Mikołaj Pawlak

University of Warsaw

Call for Papers: Crossing boundaries: Economic Sociology and its Intersections

Crossing boundaries: Economic Sociology and its Intersections


University of Konstanz, Germany

Abstract submission: May 15th (esa_econsoc [at] uni-konstanz.de)

Keynotes by:

Frank Dobbin (Harvard University)
Lucio Baccaro (MPIfG & University of Geneva)

Economic Sociology today is a vibrant field of research, which from its outset has been debating its boundaries with other disciplines that study economic behavior, such as Economics, Political Science, Political Economy, History, Geography or Anthropology. While in the mid-20th century there had been a division of labor, where research on the economy had been mainly left to economists, New
Economic Sociology has since (re-)developed a sociological perspective on the study of economic interactions, particularly on the nature and outcomes of market exchange. Being a specialized and distinct field of research we are interested in the intersections and boundaries of economic sociology both with other disciplines and within sociology. For instance, sharing some of its roots with the
sociology of organizations, what are the current communalities and differences between economic sociology, organizations studies and management science? Other intersections include the historical analysis of the emergence of markets, the governance of economic behavior or the spatial dimension of markets. In addition, many subfields within sociology also study economic behavior. Some of them, such as the sociology of labor markets and work, the sociology of consumption, or the sociology of organizations are an inherent part of economic sociology. What are common theoretical and methodological grounds? Where can we learn from each other?


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