Mikołaj Pawlak

University of Warsaw

New publication: Tying Micro and Macro: What Fills up the Sociological Vacuum?

The book Tying Micro and Macro What Fills up the Sociological Vacuum? has been published by Peter Lang in the series Studies in Social Sciences, Philosophy and History of Ideas edited by professor Andrzej Rychard.

This study critically discusses the thesis on the sociological vacuum formulated by Stefan Nowak. The author’s aim is to refute the claim that the sociological vacuum is relevant for major social processes occurring in Poland. He presents the sociological vacuum in the context of the debate on micro and macro levels and discusses how the theory of fields and social network analysis is useful to reconcile the micro-macro divide. The book considers the uses of the sociological vacuum in explaining such phenomena as the Solidarność social movement, civil society, social capital, and democracy. In the empirical part, the author confronts the data on identifications with the data on relations and claims that the vacuum is not in the society but it is in sociology.

The book is an outcome of the research project What fills up the sociological vacuum? which was funded by National Science Center.

The book is available for purchase here [LINK]. In 2020 it is going to be available in open access.