Mikołaj Pawlak

University of Warsaw



An evaluation of integration policies for Ukrainian refugee children in Poland

Competition in the Scientific Field: Power and Knowledge Production in Selected Disciplines in Poland

Business in a New Country: Strategies of Female Migrants and Entrepreneurial Support Infrastructure in Poland and Italy

Intercultural assistants as an instrument of integration policy: the case of the Polish educational system

Failures and Public Policy: The possible, the contingent and the chance in the Polish context



Poland’s inclusion to the global network of job placement: The case of Overseas Filipino Workers

Inequalities of Failure: Developing a Global Think Tank of Failing and the Pandemic

Three Generations of Polish Transformation (3Gen)

National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM)

Migrant Workers’ Perspective in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria

Managing the European Refugee Crisis

Institutionalization of the European Frame of Integration Policy in the metropolises of Central-Eastern Europe

What fills up the sociological vacuum?

Institutional Work: An Empirical Study about the Usefulness of the Concept

Translating integration

The use of scientific and expert knowledge in policy-making related to integration of immigrants in Poland after 2004

Practices of integration

Laboratories of integration

Strategies of survival: Integration of immigrants on the labour market

Europeanization of the interpretations of the borders and borderlands in ideologies and social activities of the local elites of the southern and eastern borderland o the IIIrd RP after the accesion to the EU

Experiment in newcomer integration

Evaluation of integration programmes for refugees in Poland

Immigration as a strategy of  New Europe

XENOPHOB: The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of ‘Racial’ Discrimination



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